Proposals from municipal groups in the full council meeting of 26 January 2024

January’s full council meeting approved three proposals: one from Junts-Trias×BCN for the state to transfer various assets it has in the city, one from BComú, urging the city government to regulate rents, and one from the ERC, to monitor properties acquired by the City Council in the last five years. The proposal from Vox and the one from the PP, with content for an institutional declaration, were rejected. Finally, two institutional declarations were read out.

26/01/2024 16:19 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The first proposal came from Junts per Catalunya – Trias per Barcelona, calling on the state government to transfer various assets it holds in the city, such as El Bruc barracks, the police station in Via Laietana, empty social security premises and the Palau de la Duana. The Full Council approved the proposal with votes from Junts-Trias×BCN, BComú and the ERC, while the PP and Vox voted against it and the PSC abstained.

Barcelona en Comú called on the municipal government to apply the regulation of rents with four measures: a media campaign, the expansion of the Discipline Unit, strengthening of the legal teams at housing offices and support for the Ministry of Housing to regulate seasonal rents. The proposal was approved by the Full Council with votes from the PSC, BComú and the ERC, while Junts-Trias×BCN, the PP and Vox voted against it.

Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya put forward a proposal for monitoring the properties acquired by the City Council in the last five years to ensure that the people living there are not suffering property mobbing. The Full Council approved the proposal with votes from the PSC, BComú and the ERC, while Junts-Trias×BCN, the PP and Vox voted against it.

The proposal from Vox called for security cameras to be installed in the parts of the city with the highest crime rates. The proposal was rejected, with the PP and Vox voting in favour, while Junts-Trias×BCN, the PSC, BComú and the ERC voted against it.

The Partit Popular put forward a proposal with content for an institutional declaration rejecting fines for companies which transfer their social headquarters outside of Catalonia. The Full Council rejected the proposal, with the PSC, the PP and Vox voting in favour, while BComú and the ERC voted against it and Junts-Trias×BCN abstained.

Institutional declarations

Two institutional declarations were also read out at the full council meeting.

The first called for a diplomatic resolution to put an end to the invasion of Ukraine, and to strengthen municipal reception and support services.

The second remembered the victims of the Holocaust, condemning any manifestation of religious intolerance, incitation, harassment or violence against communities on the grounds of ethnic origins or religious beliefs.





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