The Xirgu with Family
The Xirgu with Family
In addition to being the stage for the metaphysical circus show L'absolu, presented by Boris Gibé and the Cie Les Choses de Rien, this year the Plaça de Margarida Xirgu has transformed into one of the epicentres for family audiences at the Grec. It hosts shows that are ideal to see with the children, but also includes concerts for all audiences and workshops to learn and have fun at the same time. All for free!
Come to Margarida Xirgu square, and you’ll find a true family party:
First week: 28 June to 1 July
La Greca, gastronomic fair (by Menja't Association) that will take place in the square during the festival, invites children to have a good time using their imagination.
28 June - 1 July, from 6.30 pm
[for all audiences]
Children learn how to recycle and reuse pieces of wood and imagine together a new and sustainable city.
Second week: 5 to 8 July
An installation for the youngest members of the family, a circus show in which we will become a flock... The Dimecres petits bring you a workshop every Wednesday... and some extra days. Here you’ll find everything from giant balls to dancing horses.
Wednesday, 5 July from 6.30 pm
Workshop: JARDÍ FRUFRÚ (Frufrú Garden)
Personaje Personaje / Fernando Leija / Imaginart
Groups every 30 minuts.
[from age 3]
Welcome to the garden for the twisted dance. In this magical place, everything is possible. Do you want to extend your body and amplify it to the whole? Do you want to occupy this space like you've never thought? This is your place! A game involving dance, particularities and differences.
5–8 July, from 6.30 pm
Den Draad
[1 to 6 yo]
Artist Cathy Bertel, founder of the Den Draad (la cuerda) collective, was inspired by classic Christmas baubles to create this experience in which the baubles have grown larger than the children sitting on them. You can watch them passing among sculptural structures made of tyres, elastic fabrics... and crochet!
6–8 July at 6.30 pm
Ramat Simfònic
Moon Ribas and Quim Girón
[for all audiences]
Ramat Simfònic invokes human beings’ gregarious spirit and animal instinct, which in turn inspires the movement of the two main performers. Let yourself go, move instinctively, and if you agree to carry one of the speakers your movements will make the sound travel through the space as you perform a sound composition in motion. More info
Third week: 12 to 15 July
A highly musical workshop and a specialist in getting children to dance are part of the programme of the Dimecres petits del Grec, along with a show that explores the dark side of humanity with humour.
Wednesday, 12 July from 6.30 pm
Cia La Cresta
[for all audiences]
Reclaimed materials are the raw material for the self-created musical instruments invented by this company’s members. They use them to create an interactive installation that will allow you to experiment with music and sounds and create soundscapes and atmospheres. Come alone or with a partner, and you will be taken on a journey filled with surprises: a sonorous dialogue in which a dozen unusual artefacts will keep you entertained.
Wednesday, 12 July from 6.30 pm
Workshop: JARDÍ FRUFRÚ (Frufrú Garden)
Personaje Personaje / Fernando Leija / Imaginart
Groups every 30 minuts.
[from age 3]
Welcome to the garden for the twisted dance. In this magical place, everything is possible. Do you want to extend your body and amplify it to the whole? Do you want to occupy this space like you've never thought? This is your place! A game involving dance, particularities and differences.
13–15 July at 6.30 pm
Farrés Brothers and Cia.
[from age 7]
Construction work on a car park has been halted due to the discovery of a possible archaeological site. A prestigious archaeologist has been brought in to explore the site. The excavations will uncover bombs, swords, weapons and other hostile artefacts. As they delve deeper into the layers of history, we will see that destruction is an inherent part of humanity and that we are one of the few species on the planet that self-annihilate rather than protect ourselves. It is such a harsh reality that we have no choice but to confront it with humour. More info
Fourth week: 19 to 22 July
Stay tuned, because this week, in addition to the Dimecres petits and the workshops, three extraordinary concerts are scheduled, organised in collaboration with the Petits camaleons festival
19 July from 6.30 pm
El petit & FLIC
[for all audiences]
In this narrated installation dedicated to oral culture you will find a storyteller who tells stories... in your ear. Come alone, with your partner or in groups, spread out around the circle drawn on the floor and don't miss the chance to listen to the fascinating stories that await you.
19 July from 6.30 pm
Workshop: JARDÍ FRUFRÚ (Frufrú Garden)
Personaje Personaje / Fernando Leija / Imaginart
Groups every 30 minuts.
[from age 3]
Welcome to the garden for the twisted dance. In this magical place, everything is possible. Do you want to extend your body and amplify it to the whole? Do you want to occupy this space like you've never thought? This is your place! A game involving dance, particularities and differences.
20 July at 6.30 pm
[for all audiences]
What if fathers, mothers and children could experience the history of rock together by attending a heavy metal concert? This is what the Heavy per Xics seek to do. In their concert, they will bring us the iconic heavy rock anthems fused, at their hand, with the Catalan repertoire. How does Raimon sound to the rhythm of Iron Maiden? The answer comes in the form of a concert with musicians and actors drawn from theatre and real rock bands. More info
21 July at 6.30 pm
El jardí secret
[for all audiences]
A story that is pure emotion and filled with good music. We’re talking about the most recent project by Lali Begood and the rest of her band. Together, they practice love ‘n’ roll. What does that sound like? Come and listen to them telling you about how important it is to make mistakes, to manage emotions well, to appreciate the greatness of love and to avoid an excessive materialism... All to the rhythm of music ranging from funk to reggae, from ska to rock, from pop to Dixieland and from folk to Balkan music. More info
22 July at 6.30 pm
Concert: PEP LÓPEZ
[for all audiences]
No balloons, no confetti, no truisms or clichés that infantilise folk music. In fact, there is no need, because children like folk music just as it is, with no add-ons. You’ll see that in a show where children and families are invited to enjoy the music and dance as they follow the instructions given from the stage and listen to their own compositions. Does that tune sound familiar? Popular songs are adapted to turn them into dances for you and the children you bring along. More info