X(ICS) Racconti Crudeli della Giovinezza [X.03]

  • Teatre


Founded in Rimini (Italy) in 1991 by Enrico Casagrande and Daniela Nicolò, Motus is a theatre company completely open to all kinds of collaboration, and it is this promiscuous mix of expressive forms that helps to give their work its unique flavour. The group’s new project, X(ics) Cruel Tales of Youth, explores teenage life in the outskirts of the big city—at an age when young people are also on the outskirts of adult society. The result is a fusion of film and performance that interweave on stage to portray characters starting out
along a path that will culminate, finally, in maturity.

Artistic card

Idea i direcció: Enrico Casagrande, Daniela Nicolò; Intèrprets: Sergio Policicchio, Silvia Calderoni, Ines Quosdorf, Mario Ponce-Enrile; Intèrpret del vídeo: Types of Erin (D), Bring me to my 2nd burial (d), music bands Foulse Jockers (I), Dany Greggio, Adriano Donati, Tomorrow Never Came (F); Direcció tècnica: Valeria Foti; Disseny de so: Roberto Pozzi; Efectes de so: Enrico Casagrande; Il·luminació: Daniela Nicolò; Attrezzo: Erich Turroni (Laboratorio dell'imperfetto), Giancarlo Bianchini/Arto-Zat; Càmera: Francesco Borghesi, Daniela Nicolò; Efectes de vídeo: Francesco Borghesi; Producció de vídeo: Motus & Francesco Borghesi (p-bart.com); Assessorament arquitectònic: Fabio Ferrini; Fotografia: Pierre Borasci; Efectes de text: Daniela Nicolò;


Enrico Casagrande, Daniela Nicolò


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Language
    Spectacle in Italian, subtitled in Catalan