• Teatre

After Nadia, La Conquesta del Pol Sud present the company's second play about history and Identity based on real testimonies narrated on stage. Our aim is to create shows that mix investigative journalism, drama and visual poetry.

Victoria is the name of a girl born in 1978, the daughter of missing parents, victims of the Argentinian military dictatorship. In 2000, she discovers that her present and past are a lie. She needs to recognise herself again. Her reflection in the mirror shows another person, because her gaze has changed completely.

Her experience, her courage to face her own essence and past, have inspired us, leading us to understand how difficult it is to inquire about ourselves. The value found in Victoria’s individual story has made us wonder about the courage needed to search for our past and essence as a collective.

Victoria is authentic on-stage chaos. We’ll be combining a wide variety of elements: conversations, documentary materials, images and cinema references. Victoria is like the different pieces of a maze, like a broken mirror in which a reflection has been imprinted; that’s because, to us, history is just that: a great confusion which, after all, forces us to confront ourselves as individuals.

Victoria talks about memory and the courage to face our mirror. Victoria talks about time and power limits, International justice and colonialism. And last but not least, Victoria talks about the role we play as the generation born in the 70s. Who are our references? What is expected from us? Who are we really? What can we do? What must we do?

Artistic card

Creació: Carles F. Giua, Eugenio Szwarcer; Intèrprets: Carles F. Giua, Eugenio Szwarcer; Direcció escènica: Carles F. Giua; Disseny d'espai: Eugenio Szwarcer; Vídeo: Eugenio Szwarcer; Disseny de so: Damien Bazin; Disseny d'il·luminació: Luis Martí;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10.30 a.m.
  • Space

    Antic Teatre

    Carrer Verdaguer i Callís, 12, 08003 Barcelona