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De les Ardenes al Montnegre: sis poetes / From the Ardennes to El Montnegre: six poets

Three Belgian poets who write in French and three Catalan poets all recite their work. Based on a script and surrounded by an austere stage set, an actress connects their various poetic works and, when necessary, recites in Catalan those read by the poet in French. Poetry enables us to find the link between the language situation in the Catalan-speaking countries and Francophone Belgium. On the one hand, in Belgium, Walloon has become disintegrated to the point of near-disappearance, assimilated by French. On the other, Catalan, persecuted for centuries and, on occasion, the victim of an express desire to exterminate it, has survived an occupies more and more spaces, even in the field of literature. Francophone Belgians, aware that French is replacing Walloon, feel a certain degree of discomfort, as if they were wearing borrowed clothes, whilst, for the Catalans, the language is the main element in their identity. Bringing these two realities together is a fascinating experience as, from what may seem so different or even completely opposite, interchangeable verses emerge.

Artistic card

Autoria: Caroline Coppé, Tònia Passola, Karel Logist, Josep Ballester, Grégoire Polet, Aina Riera; Intèrpret: Mireia Chalamanch; Traducció: Anne Bats, Albert Mestres, Grégoire Polet; Guió: Albert Mestres; Coordinació: Albert Mestres; Posada en escena: Albert Mestres;


Albert Mestres


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 pm
  • Space

    La Seca - Espai Brossa

    Carrer dels Flassaders, 40, 08003 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Price
    Admission free (places limited)