United Cowboys

  • Dansa


Light and the human body. These are the only elements that an innovative Dutch company needs when inviting us to watch its performers dance dressed only in photons. In this way, nudity pays tribute to the beauty of the body.

In 2010, Maarten van der Put launched a series of performing arts works that he entitled Nude Studie Menu and includes fifteen performances. Each piece is different, but they all take the nudity of the human body as their starting point, focusing on the vulnerability and energy of the artists that perform them. In the specific case of Appearance, the audience enters an absolutely dark hall in which they can make out a number of platforms, each one and a half metres high, arranged in a circle about eight metres in diameter. The spectators can walk around these platforms for as long as they like, even leaving and re-entering the room, as they watch the movement of the performers’ bodies moving naked on the plinths, using light to create astonishing effects. The dancers receive just enough light to enable them to be glimpsed or seen close-up thanks to a system for blocking part of the light and a series of colour changes which, little by little, constantly alter their appearance.

United Cowboys is a Dutch company devoted to live art, based in Eindhoven. Their creations fuse dance with music and art. The company is led by the director Maarten van der Put and the choreographer Pauline Roelants.

Production: United Cowboys

Supported by Fonds Podium Kunsten. Performing Arts Fund NL.

Artistic card

Concepte i direcció: Maarten van der Put ; Creació conjunta: Sam Scheuermann; Interpretació: Florencia Martina, Anni Kaila i Sam Scheuermann;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 pm
  • Space

    Sala Hiroshima

    Carrer de Vila i Vilà, 67, 08004 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    120 min
  • Price