Una casa en la montaña (A House in the Mountains)

  • Teatre

Albert Boronat

Seated at the table, you will share time and food with the performers and the rest of the audience, and also partake in the exercise of building a narrative together. This story will make you think about silence, words and their relationship with reality.

A great storm would seem to be approaching from the East and a remote house in the midst of the mountains is home to two men whose past we know little about. And them? What do they know about each other? A House in the Mountains, with its organised solitude, can be an ideal place to start writing a novel, but it can also be an ideal place to meet death or to confront one's own decisions.

A House in the Mountains contains drama, poetry, science fiction, philosophy, crime... and also Wittgenstein.

Albert Boronat Herreros is the playwright, actor and stage creator who dreamed up this fiction. Trained at the Institut del Teatre, where he currently teaches, he was also the founder of the company “Proyecto NISU” and was responsible for productions such as Vamos a por Guti; Waits F.M.; Bostezo 2.0; Shell and Teenage Dream. He regularly collaborates with other creators such as Andrés Lima, Judith Pujol and Carme Portaceli, in shows such as Este no es un lugar adecuado para morir; De carenes al cel; Shock. El cóndor y el puma; Shock. La tormenta y la guerra; Prostitución; Tv & Misèria de la II Transició; Snorkel y Bardammour and Morir sonriendo a la luna, among others.

Artistic card

Creator and director: Albert Boronat. Performers: Javier Beltrán, Sergi Torrecilla, Albert Boronat.
