Todos hablan

  • Teatre

de Gabriela Izcovich

Todos hablan is a series of stories linked together by telephone conversations and intrusive characters, illustrating fragments of life that could take place here, there, everywhere: meetings between friends, couples, acquaintances, strangers, people who express their happiness and their pain... Gabriela Izcovich, the well-known author of several adaptations for the stage, wrote the seven highly dramatic stories that are woven together in this production, co-directed by the author herself and Carolina Zaccagnini.

Artistic card

Direcció: Gabriela Izcovich, Carolina Zaccagnini; Música original i disseny de so: Ivan Barenboim; Intèrprets: Julia Catalá, Walter Jakob, Gabriela Izcovich, Alfredo Martín; Escenografia: Alejandro Alonso; Disseny d'il·luminació: Magali Acha; Assistència a la direcció: Marina Apat; Producció executiva: Velvet Events; Fotografia: Betty Izcovich;


Gabriela Izcovich


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Language