Temps de Picasso

  • Música

Música en l'explosió de les avantguardes

Pablo Picasso was born 125 years ago and, to mark the occasion, the Festival de Barcelona Grec is exploring the musical universe of the Andalusian artist whose creative curiosity linked him to some of the leading musicians of his times, from Stravinsky to Schonberg or Satie. In this programme, the Solistes del Conservatori del Liceu embark on a journey to the artistic tempest of the early-20th century for a recital which stresses the close link established between fine arts movements such as Cubism on the one hand, and new approaches to music on the other.


Igor Stranvinsky, Suite italiana
Manuel de Falla, Concerto
Maurice Ravel, Introducció i Allegro
Erik Satie, Gymnopédies
Darius Milhaud, Sonata per a flauta, oboè, clarinet i piano

Artistic card

Direcció artística: Jaume Cortadellas; Violí: Corrado Bolsi, Oriol Algueró; Viola: Montserrat Vallvé; Violoncel: Amparo Lacruz; Flauta: Jaume Cortadellas; Oboè: Jaun Manuel Lumbreras; Clarinet: Francesc Navarro; Arpa: Abigaïl Prat; Piano: Emili Brugalla; Recitació: Enric Arquimbau; Textos: Rafael Alberti, Arthur Rimbaud, Paul Verlaine, Guillaume Apollinaire, Charles Baudelaire, Federico García Lorca; Tècnic de llums: Albert Ruiz; Imatge: Igor Cortadellas;


  • Start date
  • End date
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  • Space

    Teatre Ovidi Montllor

    Plaça de Margarida Xirgu