Tata Mala

  • Teatre

Enric Montefusco & Buena Suerte

What do folklore and postdramatic theatre have in common? And politics and symbolism? And sickness and tradition? The answers to these questions are served up by a restless artist, a group of musicians, an experimental theatre company, a dancer and performer, and the Falcons de Barcelona.

We need to find what unites us in order to overcome what hurts us and makes us afraid. This innovative musical theatre production meditates on the nature of ritual and its psychological and political meaning. Behind the work is Enric Montefusco, former leader of Standstill, a Barcelona rock band recently split up, but were known for their stage shows and collaborations with theatre groups (La Carnicería Teatro, for example). Tata Mala, Montefusco’s first unambiguously theatrical project, turns a moving text by a young playwright, Diana Bandini, into an original, cathartic collective experience. A raw, emotive family drama, the piece is also full of humour and optimism. All this, accompanied by music with a traditional air that fuses two worlds, the narrative and the symbolic. And it is precisely through this allegorical language that we see how tradition can reveal and heal our wounds, illnesses that generally infect us during childhood but are open to a social and political interpretation.

The impressive human pyramids that Els Falcons de Barcelona construct, aided and encouraged by families, a group of well-known musicians from different musical traditions, loscorderos·sc (one of the most innovative theatre and dance companies around) and the dancer, choreographer and performer Sonia Gómez, place their collective talent at the service of an emotive show, suitable for all audiences, that explores new ways of telling a story.

Coproduction: Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona and Fira del Mediterrani de Manresa.

In cooperation with: Graner, Centre de Creació, L’Animal a l’Esquena and Teatre Sagarra de Santa Coloma de Gramenet.

Support: Popular Culture Service, Barcelona Institute of Culture.

Artistic card

Concepte, direcció escènica i composició musical: Enric Montefusco ; Text original: Diana Bandini; Interpretació: Falcons de Barcelona, David Climent, Pablo Molinero, Sonia Gómez, Ramon Rabinad, Pere Jou, Aleix Puig i Enric Montefusco; Disseny d'il·luminació: Cube; So: Jordi Brugués; Producció executiva i distribució: Pia Mazuela i Elise Garriga (Agente129); Ajudant de producció: Alejandro Curiel; Dibuixos: Rafa Castañer;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 pm
  • Space


    Carrer de Montalegre, 5, 08001 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    80 min