Taiat Dansa

  • Dansa

Man Ray

You may never be able to see Man Ray dancing but at least you will be able to attend the choreographic homage that two admirers pay this twentieth-century genius and his ties with the world of photography.

Taiat Dansa’s Man Ray focuses on the photographer’s fetishistic relationship with his muses, and, therefore, on all relationships between male artists and their female models. Sometimes they inspire, at others they are simply objects.

The relationships are extreme, especially those between the Surrealist artists, with a certain degree of manipulation of women’s images and bodies and their sexuality throughout the history of art. In this piece Man Ray is multiplied; all his identities appear obsessively and reflect a structure of reality as dictated by men. By their rules, their cameras. By their photographic eyes.

When Breton declared that “art will be convulsive, or it will not be at all,” he never imagined that, of all the shocking aspects of the Surrealist discourse, the most shocking would be the “click” of Man Ray’s camera.

Impulsiveness, passion, thoroughness and rebellion are concepts inseparable from the way that Taiat Dansa work, the union of the talent of dancers and choreographers Meritxell Barberá and Inma García. They formed their own company in 2003 in Valencia and since then they have been presenting their work in theatres and at festivals in Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, the UK and the USA, and working as choreographers for other companies and artists. Since 2011 both of them have been jointly directing the 10 Sentidos Festival in Valencia.

Artistic card

Coreografia: Meritxell Barberá, Inma García en col·laboració amb els ballarins; Ballarins: Cristina Reolid, Cristian Arenas, Miguel ngel Fernández, Víctor Fernández, Kilian García, Cristian González, Jon López, Joel Mesa, Martxel Rodríguez (Cover Mauricio Pérez); Mestre repetidor: José Belda ; Assessorament artístic: Roberto Fratini; Assessorament en la dramatúrgia: Eva Zapico; Composició musical: Caldo (David Barberá); Direcció i interpretació musical: Caldo; Moviment: Taiat Dansa; Vestuari: Estudio Savage; Escenografia: Luis Crespo; Direcció tècnica: Pablo Fernández; Disseny de la il·luminació: Ramón Jiménez; Disseny del so / Concepció sonora: Caldo ; Management i producció: Diego López; Relacions internacionals: Marta Fernández; Disseny gràfic: Pilar Estrada; Premsa i comunicació: Inventa;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8.30 p.m.
  • Space

    Sant Andreu Teatre - saT!

    Carrer de Neopàtria, 54, 08030 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    60 min
  • Price
    18 €