Sous la plage

  • Altres

Marc Villanueva and Gerard Valverde

An interdisciplinary piece that reflects on the tension between the subject and history based on the speeches and the paradoxes generated by the so-called €oerefugee crisis€ .

In May 1968 the rebellious movement was born in Paris that, in the European imaginary, became a symbol and a turning point in the recent history of the continent. Almost fifty years after those French students invented it, the famous slogan "Sous les pavés, la plage" ("Under the cobblestones, the beach") takes on a new, sinister meaning that speaks to us about all the migrants that have been washed up on the beaches of Europe in a vain attempt to achieve a better life. The creators of this show have wished to consider how the revolutions of the so-called Arab Spring were seen from Europe, and how the discourse regarding the refugee crisis is being constructed today. They do so working with a Syrian-Palestinian journalist, Mohammad Bitari, who in his performance analyses and questions these discourses, contrasting the images created and disseminated by the European media with the personal and political discourse of someone who, through his experience and his refugee status, casts doubt on them. Sound and video recordings, a camera moving over a map and a continual construction of soundscapes with divergent sounds and images are the elements that accompany the protagonist’s commentaries during the show.

Artistic card

Creació: Marc Villanueva Mir, Gerard Valverde Ros; Intèrpret: Mohammad Bitari; Dramatúrgia i direcció: Marc Villanueva Mir; Composició sonora: Gerard Valverde Ros; Recerca documental: Mireia Pérez; Fotografia: Lydia Cazorla; Amb la col€laboració especial de: Mireia Sallarès; Agraïments: Francesc Abad, Xavier Aragall, Núria Font, Jaume Forés, Rita Gratacòs, Nuria Legarda, Cristina Mas, Alessia Neumann, Ioannis Papadopoulos, Luisa Sancho Escanero, Marcus Sanders, Miquel Santaulària, Laura Sanz, Lluís Serra, Closca Turla, Tantàgora Serveis Culturals, Associació Cultural La Trilateral, Mònica Rius, Lluc Valverde, Ricard Villanueva, Hanke Wilsman;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    4.30 p.m.
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Duration
    60 min