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Vulnus, Live Arts and Research/ Marta Galán Sala

An educational live arts activity based around the idea of desire for the future, for which Vulnus, Arts Vives i Recerca have teamed up with independent artist Marta Galán Sala.

A community artistic research process was launched in December 2020 with a group of young people under supervision who recently arrived in Barcelona from various countries in Africa and who are currently part of Barcelona City Council’s “Construeix-te” programme. They took part in work to create a potential imaginary which the team in charge called “prospective future archaeologies”. This then led to several (visual-art, literary, music, performance.) collaborative creations  which are now bringing together the potential productions, memories and imaginations of the artists from the Vulnus, Live Arts and Research collective. 

This project reprises the community work started in the artistic labs with young people that were held under the “Forasters vindran...” [Outsiders will come...] project, co-produced by the Teatre Lliure, Mousike / Susanna Barranco and Marta Galán Sala / TRANSlab. In collaboration with CCBorn and BornLab / Transductores.  

Work on this project is based around notions such as the desire for the future among young people who have recently migrated to Barcelona; the desire to be a citizen and the idea of belonging, understood as the status which affords rights and duties. Parallel work explores the idea of the “ideal citizen” as an image which occupies a conceptual place in the minds of the young performers, and the notion of access to citizenship, which affords an entire set of privileges originating in the past and linked to the legacy of colonialism.

A workshop will be conducted with the young migrants and performers of Vulnus, culminating in a performance to open the process up to the public. The audience will be able to share the live recording of a single sequence linking the prospective work with the young people, their desire to belong and their plans for the future. Spectators will be able to take part in the experience first-hand, with stories revolving around migration explained by the protagonists.  In a second stage, the experience will also be disseminated in an audio-visual format. 

The on-site activity with an audience will be set in the archaeological site in El Born CCM, where the memory space will provide the stage for dialogue with the young migrants.

In cooperation with Teatre Lliure, Mousiké, Susanna Barranco and la Barranco Films, Fundació Comtal, Transductores, Born Lab-Laboratori ciutadà de memòries d'El Born CCM program, UOC-Universitat de Barcelona and Nau Ivanow.


Artistic card

Created by: Brahima, Dianelis   Diéguez, Pau Dudeluka, Mohamed el Asri- Mohi Lee, Marta Galán Sala, Sílvia G. Márquez, Roger Lapuente, Thomas Louvat,  Asun Pié Balaguer, Hagoun Kande, Osmane Sarr, Aboubacar Touré, Sumba Abdul Mutalib Nassir, Mohamed M'ma, Ridouane Kabouri, Mohamed Aamir, Anna Rovira, Gisela Saló, María Abella


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