Sol Picó

  • Dansa
  • Espectacles amb cor

Malditas plumas [Damned feathers]

Fiction and reality combine in this futuristic cabaret created by one of the greatest names in Catalonia’s contemporary dance scene. The show takes us back to 1920s Paral·lel, where we will follow the experiences of one of the stars that made it what it was back then.

Welcome to Paral·lel. Yes, there are feathers everywhere: not just in the main star’s costumes but also suspended from nowhere, as part of a set that uses every modern resource to pay tribute to Paral·lel as it was in the early 1900s. It is the work of Sol Picó, the main performer in a production in which she plays a star who shares her memories, adventures and experiences with the audience. Or perhaps they’re not really her adventures and experiences but merely her dreams, a projection of wishes that never came true. The show, somewhere between tenderness and decadence, not only tells us about a very specific place and time but also looks deep into the fears and feelings that assailed Paral·lel stars in the past but are also part of our lives today: the fear of death, of loss, of decline...  Although you won’t know if what is happening on stage is fiction or reality, you will definitely have a great time with Sol Picó, who will not only dance but will fully take on the role of a revue star singing songs that you know perfectly well, who will interact with the audience at all times and who will use all the magic and transformation of show business... and a little more. As is usual in this well-known dancer and choreographer’s works, humour and irony are particularly prominent in Malditas Plumas, a production that was first performed in Castellón de la Plana in 2020 and that was due to be performed at the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya in November 2020 but had to be suspended due to the health crisis caused by COVID-19. The event has been possible partly thanks to the collaboration of highly talented people from a variety of disciplines ranging from the set designer Joan Manrique (a regular collaborator of the company) to the writer Cristina Morales, as well as the dancing provided by the group Iniciativa Sexual Femenina (who will also be performing their own show, La mártir Felícitas, at Grec 2021), the music of two composers who are used to working with movement and the body (Aurora Bauzà and Pere Jou), and even the magic of the magician Mag Lari.

This is yet another example of the work of a choreographer with a long international career who has been a regular feature of the Grec Festival de Barcelona programme since 1994 (Peve, spectacular dance poemato) and who has brought many acclaimed productions to the festival, including, among many others, Bésame el cactus (Grec 2001), Memòries d'una puça (Grec 2013), W.W. (We Women) (Grec 2015) and Animal de séquia (Grec 2019).

A joint Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, Dansa Metropolitana festival and Companyia Sol Picó prodution.

With the support of Centre Cultural de Terrassa.

This show is recommended for audiences aged 14 and over.

Artistic card

Author, director and performer: Sol Picó Assistant director: Carme Portaceli Musical director and composer: Aurora Bauzà, Pere Jou (Telemann Rec.) Music performed by: Roger Julià Movement coach: Viviana Escalé Texts: Heinrich Böll, Francisco Casavella, Cristina Morales Adapted for the stage by: Cristina Morales Accompaniment: Iniciativa Sexual Femenina Puppet advice: Andreu Martínez Costa Costumes: Joan Miquel Reig Set design: Joan Manrique Set sculptures: Nico Nubiola Lighting design: Sylvia Kuchinow Sound: Stéphane Carteaux Magic device built by: Jordi Pau, Gastón la Torre Produced by: Pía Mazuela, Núria Aguiló Sol Assistant producer: Elena Espejo Special collaboration: Magic Lari Video: Albert Miret Distribution: Palosanto Projects Photography: Erin Bassa, Joan Carles Fotografia, May Zircus Acknowledgements: Viviani Calvitti, Carmen Domingo, Roberto Fratini, Víctor Pavía, Maddish Falzoni, Nesa Vidaurrázaga


  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Nacional de Catalunya

    Plaça de les Arts, 1