Ressons de l'Al-Andalus

  • Música

cançons populars de la catalunya Nova, València i Mallorca d'influència àrab i andalusina

Place-names, architecture, legends and, of course, songs... In Catalonia, in Valencia and in Majorca, all these elements are frequently marked by Arabic culture. Just like the Catalan popular songs with Arabic and Andalusian roots that we will hear at this concert, often ignored in the traditional repertoires of Catalan choirs.

Artistic card

Direcció: Xavier Puig; Intèrprets: Cor de Cambra de l'Auditori Enric Granados de Lleida, Sílvia Pérez Cruz, Xavier Puertas, Dimitri Psonis, Olvido Lanza, Igor Cortadellas, Feliu Gasull, Eliseo Parra; Fotografia: Oyeme!, Alfredo Moreno, Sonia Balcells, Igor Cortadellas; Autoria musical: Feliu Gasull, J. Lluís Guzmán-Antich, Xavier Puig;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Plaça del Rei