
  • Escena híbrida

L’Antic Teatre, al Grec 2018

The independent Barcelona scene has its stage at the Antic Teatre which, one more year, participates in the Grec by contributing with some of the most innovative and risky proposals of the moment.

This performance piece is the end result of community arts project Xarxa de cures, ahir i avui (Care networks of today and yesterday), which is part of the ART i PART programme instigated by Barcelona Cultural District (Institute of Culture – Ajuntament de Barcelona). It’s a joint creation between local residents and Antic Teatre, La Bonne – Centre de Cultura de Dones Francesca Bonnemaison, Sindillar/Sindihogar, Mescladís and TUDANZAS.

The project, a collaborative performance, takes as its starting point and subject the pre-existing, extensive, local networks of shared care and mutual support between women that historians Isabel Segura and Milagros Rivera are recovering with their research. The piece explores the changes these networks have undergone and at the same time assesses the extent to which they are part of today’s society. The word “rebomboris” (commotion) of the title is our inspiration in that it evokes the spontaneous movements of revolt through which women have fought to survive and demanded basic living conditions for themselves and their communities.

Xarxa de cures, ahir i avui is one of five community creation projects taking place in Barcelona neighbourhoods and included in the ART i PART programme instigated by Antic Teatre, TRANSlab, La Bonne – Francesca Bonnemaison Women’s Cultural Centre, Sindillar/Sindihogar, Mescladís and TUDANZAS.

The objectives of this project are, on the one hand, to recognise local organisations and make them participatory to it and, on the other, to take the collective, forgotten history of women and, thanks to the contributions of researchers Isabel Segura and Milagros Rivera, use the history of local care within the neighbourhood to develop the creative process through a gender-based perspective and build links between the women of yesterday and the women who currently live there. After a year of collaborative research, the final performance aims to map this past and present of the work of care provided by women. To centre on the maintenance and care of life and lives: in this case, to bring this to centre stage, is our ultimate aim.

Xarxa de cures, ahir i avui has emerged as a result of experimentation with different forms of artistic expression given structure through community actions Accions amb cura (Actions with care), six artistic experimentation activities open to participation from local residents, bodies and associations, and Laboratoris Artístics (Artistic Laboratories), a new creation phase presented within the framework of the TUDANZAS Festival. The final phase begins with Rebomboris, which gives shape to the trajectory the project has made this season.

With the collaboration of Districte de Ciutat Vella, Institut Català de la Dona, Departament de Programes de Temps i Economia de les Cures (Direcció de Serveis d’Economia Cooperativa, Social i Solidària i Consum) y Regidoria de Feminismes i LGTBI.

Artistic card

Creation and interpretation: Anselm Rojas, Aurora Roig, Elisabeth Romero, Emilia Martín, Enrique Ibáñez, Erika Yañez, Graciela Alonso, Laia Santaularia, María Isabel Guitiérrez, María Muñoz, Mercè Martínez, Merci Roaga, Norma Falconi, Lissette Fernández, Rocío Echevarría, María Ojo, Patricia Hernández, Rose Odiase Research: Olga Rodríguez, Estíbaliz Benito (Mescladís); Ana Leitao (TUDANZAS); Marta Galán (TRANSlab / Antic Teatre); Marta Vergonyós (La Bonne); Karina Fulladosa (Sindillar / Sindihogar); Joan Tomàs, Marta Peribáñez Contents assistance: Isabel Segura, María Jesús Izquierdo, Carme Valls, Norma Falconi, Milagros Rivera Lighting design: Ana Rovira, Conrado Parodi Video edition: Marta Vergonyós Video: Martín Elena Musical composition and sound: Àlex Polls Salvador Sound Design Assistance: Ariadna Ruiz de Azúa (Piccola) Sound technical coordination: Mar Zapata Mask making: Olvido Vives Tai Chi: Ona Esteban Photography and scenic arts: Joan Tomas, Marta Peribáñez Art assistance: Nicolás Spinosa Choreography assistance: Ana Leitao / TUDANZAS Director assistant: Beatriz Santiago, Paloma Tabasco Schools: Escola Internacional de Fotografia Grisart, El Timbal (centre de formació i creació escènica) Communication: Maria Romero, Arnau Amadó, Francisca Araújo Prouction: Neus Oriol Executive production: Elisabet Ruiz Stage direction and dramaturgy: Marta Vergonyós, Marta Galán Sala


  • Dates
  • Space

    Antic Teatre

    Carrer Verdaguer i Callís, 12, 08003 Barcelona

  • Duration
  • Language
  • Price
    10 -12