Poemes de l'alquimista

  • Altres

Presentation of the theatre project on which the recently deceased director Moisés Maicas was working. The event is intended to be a tribute to his memory.

On 13th June Moisés Maicas, the director of the Teatre Invisible, died. Moisès Maicas was working on the theatre project Poemes de l’alquimista, based on the poetry, plays and essays of Josep Palau i Fabre. The project was due to be presented in the form of a dramatized reading at the Barcelona Grec Festival before being premiered at the 2017 Temporada Alta Festival in Girona-Salt later in the year. After that the project was due to move to La Seca Espai Brossa, in Barcelona.

The institutions and the artistic team that was working on this project wish to make known at what stage rehearsals for the show were, and to pay tribute to Moisès Maicas, by remembering one of his last works.

Manuel Guerrero, Joan Noves, Toni Giró, Cesc Gelabert, Sheila Garcia, Anna Ycobalzeta and Marc Egea will be taking part in the event.


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8.30 p.m.
  • Space

    Museu Picasso

    Carrer de Montcada, 15, 08003 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Price
    Admission free, places limited