Petra, la mujer araña y el putón de la Abeja Maya

  • Dansa

Sol Picó

Few artist are as keen to bring together different performing arts genres as Sol Picó, whose latest creation receives its premiere at Grec’11. Her new piece explores the relations between human monstrosity and lack of love. As someone once asked, if we are born so loving and not monstrous, why is everything so strange?

The show introduces five lovable monsters that, along with Petra, Karin and Marlene – characters from Fassbinder’s film The Bitter Tears of Petra Von Kant – are backstage at a ramshackle old circus, the perfect setting for them to act out their strange “love story”. Poles, ropes, oil lamps, distorting mirrors... all this and more forms the set where these characters reveal themselves by dancing, reciting and singing; so much monstrosity in just one place!

If lack of love creates monsters, only love can save them... Amen.

Artistic card

Direcció i coreografia: Sol Picó; Dramatúrgia: Sol Picó, Carles Alfaro; Intèrprets: Maru Valdivielso, Vanessa Segura García; Ballarí: Xaro Campo, Verónica Cendoya, Virginia García, Carlos Fernández Fuentes, Valentí Rocamora i Torà; Ajudant de coreografia: Maribel Martínez Roldan; Assessorament artístic: Carles Alfaro; Escenografia: Joan Manrique; Disseny d'il·luminació: Sylvia Kuchinov; Direcció i creació musical: Adele Madau; Vestuari: Valeria Civil, Sol Picó; Construcció de l'escenografia: Joan Manrique, Román Rubert, Ramon Tarès; So: Stéphane Carteaux; Producció i management: Pia Mazuela; Distribució: Pia Mazuela; Ajudant de producció: Daphné Malherbe; Roadie: Daphné Malherbe;


Sol Picó


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8.30 pm.
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure de Gràcia

    Carrer del Montseny, 47, 08012 Barcelona

  • Duration
    60 min
  • Price