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  • Teatre

Jordi Galceran / Sergi Belbel

Almost twenty years after it was premiered, and having become a classic of contemporary Catalan drama, a psychological thriller about the limits and conflicts in couples' relationships returns.

In the mid 1990s, Jordi Galceran made his name with a play at the Teatre Romea, directed by Tamzin Townsend, which offered high-quality drama aimed at the general public. This was part of the secret of the success of a psychological horror story, full of surprises, about a psychopath who suggests a playing a word chain to a nurse, his latest victim. Through this game both of them will discover who they are and will tell us their true story. Thousands of spectators went to see the play back then, but it is now being brought back in order to present it to a new audience who can discover the story of a particularly intense dialectical battle starring the young actress Mima Riera (Victòria d’Enric V, Mammon, El text, Vides privades…) and the stage, film and television actor David Bagés. Directing is Sergi Belbel, director and playwright, a star of the Catalan scene, who has been the director of the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya and has written such well-known plays asCarícies, Després de la plujaandMorir.

This outstanding team offers us a new chance to explore one of the first plays (along withSurfandDakota) by Jordi Galceran, the author of universal works who became especially famous withEl mètode Grönholm. One of the most recent plays by Galceran to be performed on stage isEl crèdit, also directed by Sergi Belbel.

Artistic card

Autoria: Jordi Galceran; Direcció: Sergi Belbel; Interpretació: David Bagés i Mima Riera; Escenografia: Max Glaenzel; Caracterització: Toni Santos; Disseny de la il€luminació: Kiko Planas; Disseny del so / Concepció sonora: Jordi Bonet; Disseny del vídeo: Oriol Paulo; Ajudantia de direcció: Antonio Calvo; Regidoria: ngrid Marín; Construcció de l'escenografia: Jorba-Miró Estudi-Taller d'escenografia; Coordinació tècnica: Jordi Thomàs; Producció executiva: ngrid Marín; Cap de producció: Nati Sarrià; Direcció de producció: Josep Domènech ; Fotografia: Ivan Moreno;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Tuesday to Saturday, 8.30 p.m.; Sunday, 6 p.m.
  • Space

    La Villarroel

    Carrer de Villarroel, 87, 08011 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    90 min
  • Price
    24-28 €