Només una vegada – Only the Once

  • Teatre

Marta Buchaca

A show that make us question where our limits are, shows us how relationships of power govern our affections and warns us of the risks of turning violence into part of our everyday lives.

Surely violence is something that only happens to others? And what if even in relationships with our partner, are we considering things to be normal when they are not at all? What responsibility does a patriarchal education play in gender violence when it considers strength as a male attribute and weakness as a female characteristic? The playwright Marta Buchaca brings to the stage the most common and latent gender violence: that of every day, that which doesn’t seem to be what it is, the type you would never say is, the one that we accept without even realizing it.

A psychologist (Maria Pau Pigem) specializing in sexist violence spends a day treating a couple, formed by Eva (Anna Alarcón) and Pau (Bernat Quintana). Both of them believe they are there by mistake. Is just one aggressive attack enough to consider that we are dealing with an abusive man and a battered woman?

The author poses all these questions. Trained as a playwright at the Théâtrales Center of Théâtrales de Louvain la-Neuve in Belgium and at the Obrador de la Sala Beckett Marta Buchaca is also a fundamental member of the Barcelona's stage ecosystem. Perhaps you have seen works that she has written and, often, also directed such as Girls shouldn’t play football (seen at the Grec in 2009 on the same stage as the author and director visits once again this year), Litus or Losers among many others. Her works have been seen in countries as diverse as Croatia, Guatemala, Venezuela, El Salvador, Greece, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, the USA and Canada.

A production of the Grec 2018 Festival of Barcelona and Fixentia S.L.

Supported by Generalitat de Catalunya.

In cooperation with Diputació de Barcelona - Espai Francesca Bonnemaison i La Bonne - Centre de Cultura de Dones.

Artistic card

Dramaturgy and director: Marta Buchaca Assistant director: Xavi Buxeda Interpretation: Anna Alarcón, Maria Pau Pigem, Bernat Quintana Scenography: Sebastià Brosa Lighting design: David Bofarull Technician: Jordi Berch Musical Composition: Clara Peya Wardrobe design: Míriam Compte Executive producer: Gràcia Camps, La Bonne - Centre de cultura de dones Communication: Anna Aurich Show distribution: Bitò


  • Dates
  • Space

    Espai Francesca Bonnemaison / CCD La bonne

    Sant Pere més baix, 7

  • Duration
  • Language
  • Price