Ningú et va dir que fos fàcil

  • Teatre

Gerard Nicasi / Jove Teatre Regina

Adolescence is the subject of a fast-paced musical that transforms the passage from childhood to youth into an adventure both for adults and those about to enter adulthood.

An underground train carriage is the stage for the five teenagers who star in this musical. They have embarked on a journey, and have done so alone. Perhaps they had seen one another before, maybe even going to the same school, but they don’t remember each other, although they have a lot in common. For example, a journey before them which is long and full of obstacles, fears and anguish. During the experience, they will have to learn to know themselves and each other. These five teenagers share a similar destiny: adulthood. Secrets, lies, unspoken loves, doubts, uncertainties, so many questions... All this and more is in the heads of the characters in a play with music by Marc Miramunt that promises moments as exciting as the roller-coaster ride that is the transition from child to adult. This “No One Said It Was Easy” is a new production from a theatre company founded in 1994, aimed at young audiences. Their previous shows include Romeu i Julieta (2001), Poques vergonyes (2002), Creeps (2003) and, in 2013, 1714. Crònica d'un setge.

Coproduction: Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona and Jove Teatre Regina.

In cooperation with: Catalan Institute of Cultural Industries (ICEC).

For spectators from fourteen years.

Artistic card

Autoria i direcció: Gerard Nicasi Ruiz; Interpretació: Nil Bofill, Júlia Bonjoch, Pablo Capuz, Cristina Dotras, Marc Miramunt, Pau Oliver; Composició musical: Marc Miramunt; Direcció musical: Olga Fañanàs; Moviment: Esther Pérez-Ferrer; Vestuari: Lleó Quintana; Disseny d'il·luminació: Francesc Campos; Disseny de so / concepció sonora: Francesc Campos; Escenografia: Tània Gumbau
; Construcció de l'escenografia: Tero Guzmán; Disseny gràfic: Mariona Campos; Ajudant de direcció: Sílvia Navarro
; Producció: Jove Teatre S.L.


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    7 pm
  • Space

    Jove Teatre Regina

    Carrer de Sèneca, 22, 08006 Barcelona, Barcelona, Espanya

  • Price