Nerium Park

  • Teatre

Josep Maria Miró

The production awarded the 2013 Quim Masó Prize is a social thriller set in a residential area that is more like a ghost town. Nerium Park is written by one of the most acclaimed emerging Catalan playwrights.

Josep Maria Miró enjoyed resounding success at Grec 2012 as the author and director of El principi d’Arquimedes, a play that was one of the biggest hits at the festival. Miró now returns to Barcelona’s summer arts festival with a work that, as winner of the Quim Masó Prize, has already been presented at Temporada Alta in Girona.

Gerard and Marta, two young thirty-somethings with a brilliant future before them, move into a house they have just bought on a new estate in the suburbs. Everything is perfect… or is it? Because, as the action advances, structured into twelve scenes, one for each month in the year, things begin to change as our protagonists become aware that they are the only residents, that no more flats are being sold and construction work is coming to a halt, leaving houses half-built. The new estate and the couple’s hopes for the future fall into decay in tandem, and we realise that each holds different views about they world they live in. This stage portrayal of a generation born in the shadow of housing speculation is, at the same time, a meditation on the superficiality of human relations.

Artistic card

Autoria i direcció: Josep Maria Miró
; Intèrprets: Roger Casamajor, Alba Pujol; Escenografia: Enric Planas; Vestuari: Albert Pascual; Disseny d'il·luminació: Enric Planas; Disseny de so: Carles Cors; Disseny de vídeo: David Rey; Producció: Pol Vinyes, Maria Vera; Ajudant de direcció: Xavier Pujolràs; Fotografia: David Rey;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    75 min
  • Price