Natsuko Sugao Group

  • Música

El Jamboree, al Grec

Multicultural nights in the jazz cellar in Plaza Reial with some performers who will show us what jazz is like here, but also what is played in the rest of Europe, in America and in Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea.

 “The dance of a light" is the title of the second disc of a trumpet player of Japanese origin who, in sextet training, presents us with their own personal sound taking us into a world of textures and colors. Their music is inspired by classical music, free jazz or the Japanese musical tradition.

Artistic card

Musical interpretation: Natsuko Sugao (trumpet and flugelhorn), Iván González (horn), Jordi Santanach (tenor sax and flute), Eric Peinado (guitar), Marc Cuevas (double bass), Josema Martín (drums)



  • Dates
  • Space


    Plaça Reial, 17, 08002 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Language
  • Price
    13 -15