
  • Teatre

Nadia Ghulam / La Conquesta del Pol Sud

This dramatised documentary features an Afghan girl recounting her experiences, a story that links her past in Kabul to her present in Barcelona whilst projecting a hopeful look towards the future.

Nadia was born in Kabul 27 years ago. When she was eight, during the civil war that broke out after the Soviet withdrawal, she suffered serious injuries during a bombardment. It is thanks her mother’s persevering care that she did not lose her life. Under Taliban rule, suffering from severe physical sequelae, she was forced to pass herself off as a boy in order to maintain her family. She kept up this incredible act for nearly ten years. Finally, in 2006, an NGO helped Nadia, by now a woman, to come to Barcelona. Today, she studies social cooperation, she has her life back, and she is involved in all kinds of activities aimed at making Afghan culture and the situation of women in her country more widely known. These activities range from a television documentary to several books and, now, this theatrical production in which Nadia herself uses real images and documentary material to recount her experiences and look to the future. Nadia talks about Nadia, but also about us, our beliefs, about information, friendship, education and freedom. Nadia is a dialogue between cultures, a documentary theatre play designed for performance on stages around the world.

Artistic card

Dramatúrgia: Nadia Ghulam, Carles F. Giua, Eugenio Szwarcer; Intèrprets: Nadia Ghulam, Carles F. Giua, Eugenio Szwarcer; Direcció: Carles Fernández Giua; Disseny d'espai: Eugenio Szwarcer; Disseny de vídeo: Eugenio Szwarcer; Disseny d'il·luminació: Luis Martí; Disseny de so: Damien Bazin; Producció executiva: Carles Manrique - Velvet Events; Ajudant de direcció i producció: Silvia Dotti; Vídeo i projeccions: Benecé / Láser;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 pm
  • Space


    Carrer de Montalegre, 5, 08001 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    80 min
  • Price