Mos Maiorum

  • Teatre

Ireneu Tranis / Alba Valldaura / Mariona Naudín

Who are these people, so desperate that they risk their lives to reach our continent? We hear the answer from a group of actors who reproduce, on stage and with maximum accuracy, genuine documents and interviews.

Nearly 27,000 people have died in the Mediterranean since 2000, trying to reach a continent that does not want them. Can we hear the voices of these migrants in some way? We can, thanks to a theatre company whose members conducted interviews in Melilla, Nador, Tangiers and Ceuta, among other border towns, and now turn this material into a show in which the actors stop play-acting in order to reproduce as faithfully as possible their dialogues with these migrants. This is what is called the Verbatim technique, which they apply in an empty room where there are no chairs, and the audience will be moved around in order to create scenes of overcrowding, surprised by the appearance of unexpected characters and moved by the poetry that is created by different objects and atmospheric sounds. The phenomenon of migration, on stage.

Company in residence at L'Estruch de Sabadell, NunArt and La Poderosa.

In cooperation with L'Antic Teatre and Leal Lab (Tenerife).

Artistic card

Creació i interpretació: Ireneu Tranis, Alba Valldaura i Mariona Naudín; Assessorament escènic: Mònica Almirall; Producció: Eli Pujol; Coproducció: CAET-TNT;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    12.30 pm
  • Space

    Antic Teatre

    Carrer Verdaguer i Callís, 12, 08003 Barcelona