The Master and Margarita

  • Teatre

complicite / Simon McBurney

The story of a journey to hell and back, a lavish production that recreates one of the greatest 20th-century novels in Russian

Sixteen performers on stage, a gripping, poetic text, the rich visual language that has become the trademark of this British theatre company... These are just some of the elements in this production, which converts Mikhail Bulgakov’s novel into image and movement. The characters we will meet in a story that takes us to Moscow and Jerusalem include both Christ and Pontius Pilate, as well as the eponymous Margarita, who journeys to hell to save the one she loves. And all this, set against a rich tapestry of powerful, sometimes surreal images and striking use of movement. 


Artistic card

Autoria: Simon McBurney; Direcció: Simon McBurney; Intèrprets: David Annen, Thomas Arnold, Josie Daxter, Johannes Flaschberger, Tamzin Griffin, Amanda Hadingue, Richard Katz, Sinéad Matthews, Tim McMullan, Clive Mendus, Yasuyo Mochizuki, Ajay Naidu, Henry Pettigrew, Paul Rhys, Cesar Sarachu, Angus Wright; Escenografia: Es Devlin; Vestuari: Christina Cunningham; Disseny d'i·luminació: Paul Anderson; Disseny de so: Gareth Fry; Concepció Sonora : Gareth Fry; Vídeo: Finn Ross; Titelles: Blind Summit Theatre; Animació en 3D : Luke Halls; Assistència a la direcció: Sasha Milavi Davies, James Yeatman; Cap de producció: Ed Wilson; Mànager: Cath Binks ; Regidoria: Rod Wilson, Ian Andlaw, Sally McKenna ; Assistència i regidor: Sally Inch ; Assistència a la il·luminació: Matt Haskins ; Operador de llums: Ralph Stokeld; Adjunt del tècnic de so: Kay Basson ; Assistència tècnica: Leo Flint ; Perruqueria i maquillatge: Fay Lumsdale ; Producció: Judith Dimant;


Complicite / Simon McBurney


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8.30 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Duration
    200 min (including a 20 min interval)
  • Price
    e 32