Maria Rovira

  • Dansa

Trànsit & Cuba

The Catalan contemporary dancer and choreographer has often worked Cuba, where she has created choreographies and collaborated with prestigious companies like the one accompanying her here.

She has become especially well known in the contemporary dance world for her work as leader of Trànsit Dansa, but Maria Rovira has danced all over the world. She has had a particularly intense relationship with Cuba, where she has created choreographies for the Ballet Nacional de Cuba or for companies as outstanding as Acosta Danza. Carlos Acosta is one of the best-known Cuban dancers, that last year formed his own contemporary dance company. Some guest cuban dancers are members in this new artistic enterprise and perform here a series of choreographic pieces that clearly show Maria Rovira’s Cuban connection.

The programme begins with El cruce sobre el Niágara, a work by Marianela Boán, one of the most outstanding choreographers in Cuba and Maria Rovira’s guest artist. After that we will see part of El salt de Nijinski, a piece by Maria Rovira created with Trànsit Dansa for the 2007 Barcelona Grec Festival, with music by Javier Gamazo and Marc lvarez that fuses classical and contemporary elements. The piece, inspired by a famous photograph of the dancer Vaslav Nijinsky performing a spectacular jump in the period when he was confined to a psychiatric hospital, investigates the mysteries of memory and the metaphorical significance of the jump. The choreographic feast continues with the female solo Impronta and Babbel 2.0. The latter is a creation by Maria Rovira for Acosta Danza that shows with the language of movement how, in a world where we are over-exposed to information, we communicate less and less.

Artistic card

Artista convidada: Marianela Boán; Interpretació: Laura Treto, Leticia Silva, Zeleidys Crespo, Aina Gargallo Sánchez, Josianne Erin Fleming, Virginia Gimeno Folgado, Borja Fernández Vilaplana, Alejandro Silva, Yasser Domínguez, Keyvin Martínez, Julio León, Cristian Pérez Fariello, Kailen Lewis, Jesús Benzal Montes, Abel Hernández González

Coreografia: Marianela Boán ; Música: Olivier Messiaen ; Vestuari: Leandro Soto ; Il€luminació: Carlos Repilado ;

Coreografia: Maria Rovira ; Música: Javier Gamazo, Marc lvarez;

Coreografia: Maria Rovira; Música: José Peón;

Coreografia: Maria Rovira; Música: Salvador Niebla; Disseny del vestuari: Vladimir Cuenca; Disseny de la il€luminació: Pedro Benítez;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 p.m.
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    90 min (with intermission)
  • Price
    24 €