Maria Gadú

  • Música

BARTS concert hall, at the Grec 2017

Pop, rock, soul, folk and a host of other rhythms, often clearly connected to roots music, fill the BARTS concert hall for four intense weeks in which women will play an important part.

The child prodigy of Brazilian music, as she was known at the beginning of her career, has found her own voice. In 2016 she made her debut in Barcelona in a performance at the Jamboree that many still remember. Her successful videos on YouTube and the backing of the great Caetano Veloso have marked the career of a Brazilian artist who, recently and without renouncing the simplicity of vocals and guitar, has opened up to rock and even electronic sounds.

Artistic card

Veu / guitarra /goliat: Maria Gadú ; Cello i veu: Federico Puppi ; Baix i veu: Lancaster Pinto ; Bateria /percussió / veu: Felipe Roseno ;

So: Diogo Guedes; Disseny de la il€luminació: Marcos Franja; Tècnic: Paulinho Barroso; Direcció musical: Maria Gadú; Direcció executiva: Maria Gadú, Lua Leça;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 p.m.
  • Space


    Avinguda del Para€lel, 62, 08001 Barcelona

  • Price
    20-35 €