Marala Trio

  • Música

Three women from different Catalan-speaking places start from the traditional repertoire to make their own music with a woman’s look, so they approach the soul of the listener thanks to a technological tool: a binaural microphone.

They are called Selma Bruna, Sandra Monfort and Clara Fiol, a Catalan, a Valencian and a Mallorcan girls who share a language, talent and friendship. They offer their own repertoire based on tradition and root music. In their concerts you can hear songs and music from Catalonia, País Valencià or the Balearics, or even some Basque songs, like the Txoria txori played in the latest work by Fermín Muguruza. Voices, guitars and percussion are the fundamental ingredients of the sound recipe of the Marala Trio, who play songs of their own but also verses by current poetesses and revisit threshing songs, Sephardic tunes or laments of war. Between songs, Marala speaks with those who listen to them and discover them as committed, sensitive, brave and vulnerable.

This time, they come to 2019 Grec with a very special concert and quite an experience: the music of Marala finds an especially direct channel in the binaural microphone, a device that captures the sound just as the human ear does, in 360 degrees and with a lot of precision. Through the headphones, the audience can hear Marala's voices like a mobile whisper and next to their ear. Each one will feel as if they are the center of the room, right where the microphone is, by the music that is created right at that moment. The enveloping sensation and the nakedness of the sound resonate in the mouths of the listeners when they share their experience: an intimate and close proposal that goes far beyond a concert.

A production of Marala Trio and José Fournier

Artistic card

Author: Marala Trio, poemas de Nina da Lua, Antònia Vicens, Isabel Garcia Canet, Maria Mercè Marçal, Mikel Laboa and popular and traditional themes. Musical interpretation, composition and direction: Selma Bruna, Sandra Monfort, Clara Fiol In cooperation with: Apel·les Carod (violin) Sound concept and design: José Founier Production: Isabel Vicente Lamazares



  • Dates
  • Space

    Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 39, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
  • Language
    Francès amb sobretitulació en català
  • Price