Los Copi(s)

  • Teatre

de copi

They are both Argentinians and though they never met, they have finally come together… We refer to Copi, novelist, playwright and draughtsman, and Marcial Di Fonzo Bo, co-founder of the Théâtre des Lucioles. Di Fonzo Bo has adapted some of the Argentinian writer’s hilarious, surreal texts for the stage: Les poulets n’ont pas de chaises (based on a series of drawings La femme assise), Loretta Strong (the story of a woman astronaut raped by a rat) and Le frigo, featuring Ángel Pavlovsky. Comedy and death in equal parts are the key themes in works that immerse us in Copi’s extraordinary universe.

Artistic card

Música: Pierre Allio; Intèrpret: Didier Alexandre, Marcial Di Fonzo Bo, Elise Vigier, Angel Pavlovsky, Pierre Maillet, Raoul Fernández, Philippe Marteau; Percussió: Guillaume Kervel; Piano: Pierre Allio; Trompeta: Sylvain Gontard; Violoncel: Jean Yves Gratius; Direcció tècnica: Marcial Di Fonzo Bo, Elise Vigier; Figurins: Anne Leray; Vestuari: Pierre-Jean Larroque, Yvan Robin, Lucia Bo; Il·luminació: Maryse Gautier; So: Teddy Degouys, Manu Leonard; Decoració: Peter Wilkinson, Antonin Bouvret; Vídeo, animació i imatges: Clément Martin; Perruqueria i maquillatge: Cécile Kretschmar; Retrat: Jorge Damonte;




  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Language
    French subtitled in Catalan