
  • Teatre

Jennifer Haley / Juan Carlos Martel Bayod

If you've ever thought that you would like to explore your darker dreams without fear of the consequences, this work by the American author Jennifer Haley is just the thing for you. Welcome to a world that is one hundred percent virtual.

Someone has invented the most marvellous thing, something that is revolutionising the world: a device that immerses you completely in the virtual world. Just choose an identity and give yourself over to your desires, whatever they may be... The American playwright Jennifer Haley has received countless awards since she wrote this sci-fi thriller, which is also a crime drama, in 2012. What are the consequences of living our private dreams with no restraints on our freedom? Many will see in this play – now staged in a Catalan version by the director Juan Carlos Martel Bayod – a warning about virtual reality and the impunity supposedly given by the internet world. A young detective who is investigating the most alarming forms of entertainment enabled by the application interviews its creator, taking us from the real world to the virtual universe whilst posing a most disturbing question: does the fact that something does not exist mean that it is not real? You will also ask yourselves this question whilst enjoying an extremely intelligent and well-constructed play that casts a cold, implacable eye on human behaviour and the new technologies. The play won the 2012 Susan Smith Blackburn Prize in New York and seven L.A. Ovation awards after it was staged in Los Angeles in 2013, and has also been seen Off Broadway in New York and at the Royal Court and in the West End of London.

Production: Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona and Teatre Lliure.

Artistic card

Autoria: Jennifer Haley; Traducció: Neus Bonilla; Direcció: Juan Carlos Martel Bayod ; Interpretació: Andreu Benito, Joan Carreras, Gala Marqués - Carla Schilt, Víctor Pi i Mar Ulldemolins ; Escenografia i vestuari: Alejandro Andújar ; Disseny d'il·luminació: David Bofarull (a.a.i.); Disseny de so: Damien Bazin ; Vídeo i contingut ILED: Joan Rodón; Tecnologia de control de ILED i pixel mapping: ProtoPixel; Ajudant de direcció: Georgina Oliva; Alumna en pràctiques d'escenografia de l'Institut del Teatre: Mercè Lucchetti ; Fotografia: Felipe Mena;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure de Gràcia

    Carrer del Montseny, 47, 08012 Barcelona

  • Duration
    80 min
  • Price