Lídia Pujol

  • Música

Panikkar, poeta i fangador

In this, the centenary anniversary of the birth of the thinker, theologian and writer Raimon Panikkar, the singer and performer dedicates to him a new edition of the poetic and musical ceremony 'Iter Luminis' that has been travelling around the country for a while now.

With a professional career based on traditional Yiddish, medieval and popular music, Lídia Pujol became well-known as part of a duet with the singer Sílvia Comes, but a few years later she went solo along a path which has resulted in this poetic experience and musical singular, Iter Luminis. A kind of "light ceremony" relating history, heritage and music in a series of concerts that explore ancient musical traditions in heritage settings with a direct link, at each stage of the itinerary, to small local producers and human communities. A few months ago, however, Ignasi Moreta, curator of the Raimon Panikkar Year that is being held this 2018, invited her to open the artistic experience that she created to the wisdom and spirituality of this unclassifiable thinker. In his writings he defended that the "fatal dichotomy between matter and spirit", between knowledge and love, between being and doing, and especially between East and West, can be found in the origin of everything that dehumanizes us and drains the life from its most authentic meaning. Panikkar was, precisely, an apostle of the dialogue between non-Western traditions and civilizations, never tiring of highlighting their essential values.   Under the musical direction of Dani Espasa, this edition of Iter Luminis dedicated to Raimon Panikkar aims to establish a link between an Orient that we identify with spirituality, orientation and transcendence, and a West that is all about the material, function and limit. All by linking cultures, religions, genres and historical times and in dialogue with such apparently remote authors as Ramon Llull, Teresa de Jesús or Panikkar himself, a thinker who Lídia Pujol, using words by Jacint Verdaguer, now redefines as "poet and fangador ".

"When I left I was a Christian, who discovered I was a Hindu and became a Buddhist, without ever stopping being a Christian." (OORP VI.2)

A production of Iter Luminis with the collaboration of Fundació Vivarium Raimon Panikkar, Fragmenta Editorial and the General Directorate of Religious Affairs of the Generalitat de Catalunya within the framework of the Grec Festival de Barcelona.

This show is part of the program of ‘The Raimon Panikkar Year’ commemorating the centenary of the birth of the thinker.

Artistic card

Musical Interpretation: Lídia Pujol (vocals), Dani Espasa (piano, keyboard, accordion), Pau Figueres (Spanish guitar, electric and percussion), Xavi Lozano (wind instruments and organic sound effects), Ismael Alcina (electric bass), Eloi Flores (modular synthesizer), Marçal Ayats (violoncello).

Musical director: Dani Espasa Music compositions: Òscar Roig Musica arrangements: Òscar Roig, Dani Espasa, Pau Figueres Sound design: David Casamitjana Stage design and Lighting: Laura Clos “Closca” and Sergi Corbera (SET UP) Technician and stage manager: Judit Vidal Wardrobe: David Valls Producer: Laura Rubio

Director and Creator: Lídia Pujol

Advisor: Ignasi Moreta (Curator of The Raimon Panikkar Year), Romà Escalas (musician and musicologist) Ignasi Ribas (astrophysicist and astronomer, director of l’Institut d’Estudis Espacials of Catalunya), Sergi Belbel (dramaturgist and director), Montse Martínez (Agricultural Engineer specialising in Biodynamic Agriculture).


  • Dates
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
  • Language
    En llatí, sànscrit, occità, català i castellà
  • Price