Les Larmes d'OEdipe (Des mourants)

  • Teatre

Wajdi Mouawad

The second part of the diptych Des mourants is a poetic oratorio in three voices based on Oedipus at Colonus, a work that compares the world of the foundation myths of our civilisation with today's society.

Blind and expelled from Thebes for having committed patricide and incest, guided by Antigone, his daughter, old Oedipus is looking for somewhere to spend the last days of his life. The pair come to an ancient Greek theatre, a place in darkness where the coryphaeus, the leader of the chorus, gives them news about Athens in the twenty-first century, a city enraged by the murder of a young man during the demonstrations against the cuts and the bank bailouts. The Greece that was the cradle of our civilisation and the Greece that is now in turmoil due to the effects of the crisis weep together, their tears mingling in a demanding piece that links the pain of the classics with that suffered by the men and women of today.

Les Larmes d’OEdipe, which completes the diptych Des mourants, also closes Wajdi Mouawad’s project to stage all the tragedies of Sophocles. The death of the translator Robert Davreu in 2013 led Mouawad to rewrite and create his own versions of Philoctetes (which, with the title of Inflammation du verbe vivre, is also being presented at the Grec 2017) and Oedipus at Colonus, the play reworked in Les Larmes d’OEdipe.

Artistic card

Autoria: Wajdi Mouawad ; Direcció: Wajdi Mouawad; Interpretació: Jérôme Billy, Charlotte Farcet i Patrick Le Mauff; Música: Michael Jon Fink; Composició i interpretació (cant): Jérôme Billy; Escenografia: Emmanuel Clolus; Vestuari: Emmanuelle Thomas; Disseny de la il€luminació: Sébastien Pirmet; Disseny del so: Michel Maurer; So: Jérémie Morizeau; Ajudantia de direcció: Alain Roy; Ajudantia de direcció en gira: Valérie Nègre; Regidoria: Stefan McKenzie ; Tramoia: Camille Lissarre; Llums: Gilles Thomain; Vídeo: Olivier Petitgas; Representació internacional: Ysarca Art promotions - Pilar de Yzaguirre;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 p.m.
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Duration
    100 min
  • Price
    24 € (with 'Inflammation du verbe vivre', 34 €)