Le capital (El capital)

  • Teatre

Sylvain Creuzevault

Who would dare to adapt Karl Marx's most famous work to the stage? The answer is a cult French director who also sets himself the target of making this the most entertaining show in the world.

With such productions as Le père tralalère and Notre terreur, the French company D’ores et déjà and the young director Sylvain Creuzevault have successfully made their mark on the French theatre scene. These were collective works, the result of enthusiastic experimentation by the artists in the company, thought-provoking improvisations that Creuzevault directed with rare theatrical wisdom. Creuzevault now brings all his skill to bear in an even more difficult challenge: that of showing on stage the secret structures of the capitalist world around which our lives are organized, as they are revealed in Capital, Karl Marx’s difficult, unfinished work. Published in 1867, this critical analysis of capitalism and its practices paved the way to a period of struggle and confrontation, whilst also suggesting a reinterpretation of history from a new perspective. How can this magnum opus be transformed into a stage production? The answer is, through passion, the desire to experiment and a generous helping of black comedy, all employed to describe the inconceivable monstrosities of a great, global vampire.

Artistic card

Posada en escena: Sylvain Creuzevault; Intèrprets: Vincent Arot, Benoit Carré, Antoine Cegarra, Pierre Devérines, Lionel Dray, Arthur Igual, Clémence Jeanguillaume, Lucette Lacaille, Léo-Antonin Lutinier, Frédéric Noaille, Amandine Pudlo, Sylvain Sounier, Julien Villa, Noémie Zurletti; Disseny d'il·luminació: Vyara Stefanova, Nathalie Perrier; Vestuari: Pauline Kieffer, Camille Pénager; Màscares: Loïc Nébréda; Producció i difusió: Élodie Régibier;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8.30 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Duration
    150 min
  • Price