Lapsus Dansa

  • Dansa

Vitrines III

Vitrines III is the final part in a trilogy that the choreographer and director Alexis Eupierre began in 2006. In the first part, he explored ideas of identity and image in personal relations. In the second, he turned his attention to the individual as a social animal. Now, this final stage in the project, Vitrines III, he reviews the whole process, from individual feelings to collective emotions, through a common element: song. Indeed, through music we can both explore the collective imaginary and evoke personal feelings. Music is the perfect transversal element, fusing together memory, experiences, emotions, places and images. Alexis Eupierre founded the Lapsus Dansa company in 1997, eight years after he had established, in cooperation with eight other Barcelona independent artists, La Caldera Cultural Association for the Development of Choreographic Activities. Lapsus continues to be La Caldera’s resident company.

Artistic card

Música: Krishoo Monthieux; Direcció artística: Alexis Eupierre; Ballarí: Cecilia Colacrai, Alexis Eupierre, Clara Tena, Gustavo Lesgart; Disseny d'il·luminació: Roser Domingo; Vestuari: Fátima Campos; Producció: Magdalena Canals; Ajudant de producció: Estrella Serrano; Agraïments: Hilda, Antonio, Albert, Teresa Renedo, Gema Díaz, Verónica Cendoya, Emilio Gutiérrez;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    La Caldera Les Corts

    Carrer del Torrent d'en Vidalet, 43