
  • Teatre

Hanoch Levin / Carme Portaceli

Israel's foremost contemporary playwright is brought to the Barcelona stage to present a tragicomedy about a man who has done nothing in his life and returns to a place where nothing has happened since he left.

Krum (“crust” in Hebrew) returns home after a long journey. He has no gifts in his suitcase, only some dirty clothes, and his life seems just as empty: he did not get rich, he did not find love; nor, needless to say, did he find success. On arriving home, however, he realises that nothing has changed there either: this is a stagnant, paralysed world that does not advance, where no one has shown any initiative. Births, marriages and funerals are the only events worth mentioning, but Krum contemplates these like a passive spectator, as if in a theatre, watching an enactment of his own fears and fantasies. With sharp humour and merciless irony, Levin portrays a world that is, perhaps, the one we all live in, a microcosm that speaks to us of different aspects of the human condition.

Artistic card

Autoria: Hanoch Levin; Traducció: Sergi Belbel, Roser Lluch; Direcció: Carme Portaceli ; Intèrprets: Pere Arquillué, Pepa López, Ferran Carvajal, Oriol Guinart, Albert Pérez, Carme González, Joan Negrié, Gabriela Flores, Lluïsa Castell, Rosa Boladeras, Jordi Collet; Escenografia: Paco Azorín; Moviment: Ferran Carvajal; Vestuari: Antonio Belart; Disseny d'il·luminació: Maria Domènech; Disseny de so: Jordi Collet «Sila»; Ajudant de direcció: Ricard Soler i Mallol; Producció executiva: B. Torres - FEI; Disseny gràfic: Pedro Chamizo; Fotografia: David Ruano, Paco Amate;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    110 min
  • Price