
  • Teatre


Bananas, consumption, crisis, growth and hair, lots of hair. These are some of the ingredients in this new show from a company that explores new stage languages and speaks of capitalism based on the figure of a famous giant ape.

The Señor Serrano Group is one of the most stimulating and radically original companies of the current scene. It’s no surprise that they have won awards like the Silver Lion of the Venice Biennale 2015 or a City of Barcelona prize in 2016. They use technology as part of their on-stage language, both in its most sophisticated version as well as its most artisan. They combine video, performance, mock ups and live music, elements with which they create micro-universes in each new show. In the background they always convey a non-conformist message, like the one underlying here in Kingdom. In this show, the Señor Serrano Group flippantly mixes bananas, King Kong, consumption, virile choreographies, publicity, punk rock, supermarkets, growth, chaos, expansion, multinationals, lack of resources, coups, zoophilia, trap and tough guys kissing one another in a non-stop party.

If you are already familiar with the exceptional world of this group of creators, then pay attention, because here you will find an edited and enlarged version of its trademark language which has already shown its strength in three previous shows at the Grec: Brickman Brando Bubble Boom (Grec 2013), A House in Asia (Grec 2014) and Birdie (Grec 2016).

A Grec 2018 Festival de Barcelona production, Teatros del Canal, Teatre Lliure, Home Theatre Manchester, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, Grand Theatre Groningen, FOG Triennale Milano Performing Arts​, CSS Teatro Stabile di Innovazione del FVG, Teatro Stabile del Veneto – Teatro Nazionale y Romaeuropa Festival.

With the support of Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Kosmopolis - CCCB, Sala Beckett, Teatre Auditori de Granollers y Xarxa Transversal

In cooperation with el Graner, centre de creació

Special thanks to the TNT Festival – Terrassa Noves Tendències, Arts Escèniques OlotCultura, Monty Kultuurfaktorij and La Fabrique de Théâtre

Artistic card

Creation: Àlex Serrano, Pau Palacios, Ferran Dordal Performance: Diego Anido, Pablo Rosal, Wang Ping-Hsiang, David Muñiz, Nico Roig Music: Nico Roig Video programming: David Muñiz Video creation: Vicenç Viaplana Lighting Design: Stege set and models: Àlex Serrano, Silvia Delagneau Costumes: Silvia Delagneau Sound space: Roger Costa Vendrell Technical support: Sergio Roca Assistant director: Martín García Guirado Production manager: Barbara Bloin Executive production: Paula Sáenz de Viteri Management: Art Republic



  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Duration
  • Language
    Català, castellà, anglès, francès, xinès i alemany (amb sobretitulació en català
  • Price