Kindur, vida aventurera de les ovelles a Islàndia

  • Dansa

Compagnia tpo

Can you bleat like a sheep? Well, better get practising, because you'll to need to be able to when you come and see this family show that uses dance and the latest technologies to talk about Nature...

Pure white glaciers, geysers, volcanoes, the Aurora Borealis... There can be no country where Nature is more powerful than Iceland, a land of legend behind whose every rock lurks a troll. Three Icelandic sheep tell us their story, from autumn to summer, a tale of their heroic journey through danger in the natural world. Be warned: there will storms, gales and other natural phenomena. All created using digital technology, with young spectators invited up onto the stage to draw scenes, make noises and interact with images, for this show falls somewhere between the performance and the workshop. Kindur is a truly unique production that combines dance and visual narrative, created by an Italian company that specialises in interactive shows and installations for children and young people.

Artistic card

Direcció: Davide Venturini, Francesco Gandi; Intèrprets: Angelica Portioli, Valentina Consoli, Martina Gregori; Composició i direcció musical: Spartaco Cortesi; Interpretació musical: Spartaco Cortesi; Escenografia: Elsa Mersi, Rossano Monti, Livia Cortesi; Moviment: Erika Faccini, Paola Lattanzi, Anna Balducci; Vestuari: Fiamma Ciotti Farulli; Disseny d'i·luminació: Rossano Monti; Disseny de so: Spartaco Cortesi; Concepció Sonora : Spartaco Cortesi;


Davide Venturini / Francesco Gandi


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    6 and 8 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    50 min
  • Price
    e 12