Kafka a la ciutat de les mentides

  • Altres

Place: Prague. Time: The Present. Due to a medium’s mix-up over frequencies, Franz Kafka returns to life and realises that, in contravention of his last wishes, his works have been published in their entirety, his image is used to attract tourists and his literary legacy is Prague’s most highly-prized heritage. Terrified, he tries to escape. But this is something which his clawed mother, Prague, will not allow. A new trial begins for K.


Employing a language closer to cabaret or music-hall, the Arcàdia theatre company presents a play tinged with fantasy, featuring literati, writers and other frauds.

Artistic card

Text i direcció: Llàtzer Garcia; Intèrprets: Marta Aran, Laura López, Guillem Motos, David Ortega i Mima Riera. Arcàdia Companyia.;


Llàtzer Garcia


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    20 pm.
  • Space

    Biblioteca Francesca Bonnemaison

    Carrer de Sant Pere Més Baix, 7