Juliol a l'Institut del Teatre

  • Altres

Alícia Gorina / Ricard Soler

Grec 2013 redoubles the festival’s commitment to new theatrical talents by producing two different works in a programme that builds on “Juliol a la Cuina” [“July in the Kitchen”], the season that formed part of the programme in the three preceding years. The first of these two pieces speaks about beauty, eschewing narrative, whilst the second casts a distorted gaze on our world.

Ricard Soler / Companyia Obskené
July 16 and 17
A short story by Pedro Lipcovich (winner of the Juan Rulfo International Prize) inspires a work that comprises sixteen enigmatic pieces set on an island, a world of its own, with its own logic. The uneasy atmosphere generated by this production is guaranteed to have audiences glued to their seats until the very end.

Si Déu és bellesa, la bellesa existeix?
Alícia Gorina / Companyia Indigest
July 19 and 20
A painting by the Finnish artist Vilho Lampi conserved in the Liminka Museum inspires this exploration of varying views about the importance of beauty to life. This is not a show with a story, characters and conflict, but a theatrical experience revolving around ideas about beauty.


Artistic card

Autoria: Pedro Lipcovich; Direcció i adaptació: Ricard Soler i Mallol; Intèrprets: Enric Cambray, Martí Salvat; Música: Mauro Paganini; Escenografia: Josep Carreras; Ajudant d'escenografia: Paula Maestro; Ajudant de direcció: Ilona Muñoz Rizzo; Producció: Ilona Muñoz Rizzo - Companyia Obskené;

Dramatúrgia: Albert Arribas; Direcció: Alícia Gorina; Creació plàstica: Silvia Delagneau; Intèrpret: Oriol Genís, amb la col·laboració d'Anna Alarcón;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 pm
  • Space

    Institut del Teatre

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1. 08004 Barcelona

  • Price
    Admission free (places limited)