Jo, travesti (I, Transvestite)

  • Teatre
  • Dansa

Roberto G. Alonso Company / Josep M. Miró

A show that combines theatre, music and dance to pay tribute to the art of drag and some of the most famous cross-dressers of our culture and stages.

Jo, travesti is an alterfiction about cross-dressing that champions the art and culture of drag and the drag artists and star impersonators who have a long tradition in our country dating back to the early twentieth century, and who continue to grace our shores to this day. In something akin to a dramaturgical drag act, author Josep Maria Miró writes an autofiction based on Roberto G. Alonso's biography, which brings us into contact with avant-garde and transgressive names such as Mirko, Derkas, Leopoldo Fregoli, Edmond de Bries, Asensio Vidal, Pirondello, Ocaña, Violeta la Burra, Carmen de Mairena or Ángel Pavlovski, among others, and legendary venues such as the Wuli-Chang, the Criolla, the Edén Concert, the Cúpula Venus or the Bohemia bodega. Roberto G. Alonso - as heir to the sequins, stilettos and feathers of more than a hundred years of history on our stages - will be accompanied by Jazmine Verdaguer, alter ego of the musician Jordi Cornudella. The show will take place in the former Modelo prison: once a space for the repression of the LGTBI community, the space is today transformed into a stage, in an act of transformative poetic justice.

This project is the result of the partnership between choreographer and performer Roberto G. Alonso and author and director, Josep Maria Miró. Roberto G. Alonso has a degree in Contemporary Dance from the Institut del Teatre and a bachelor’s degree in Art History. In 1995 he founded the company that bears his name. He is the creator of a dozen shows (theatre and street performances as well as shows for family audiences), works as a movement coach in plays and contemporary operas and is also a stage director. Among his best-known creations are A mí no me escribió Tennessee Williams (2016), Laberint Striptease (2019), a tribute to cabaret and the work of Joan Brossa, and Marúnica (2020), a family show dedicated to the surrealist painter Maruja Mallo.  Josep Maria Miró is the author of more than twenty of his own plays, adaptations and dramatizations, with more than a hundred premières all over the world. Miró is the author of El cuerpo más bonito que se habrá encontrado nunca en este lugar (2020), a play with which he won the prestigious Premi Born for the third time and for which he was also awarded the Premio Nacional de Literatura Dramática by the Spanish Ministry of Culture in 2022. Miró is also the author of Tiempo salvaje (2018), recipient of the Max Award, Nerium Park (2013), El principio de Arquímedes (2011) and Gang Bang (2010). Clarinettist and composer Jordi Cornudella, who specialises in compositions for film, theatre and various shows, acts and performs in this production as well as being responsible for the musical direction. As a member of the theatre company Anemisko he has participated in the show Hem vingut aquí a deixar les coses clares (2017) directed by Jordi Oriol, and the aforementioned Laberint Striptease (2019) and Marúnica (2020) with Roberto G. Alonso.

A production from the Roberto G. Alonso Company, Observatori Europeu de Memòries (EUROM), FiraTàrrega and Fundació Joan Brossa - Centre de les Arts Lliures

Artistic card

Original idea and direction: Josep Maria Miró, Roberto G. Alonso. Assistant director: Marta Fernández Martí. Performing: Roberto G. Alonso, Jordi Cornudella. Set: Albert Pascual. Lighting design: Ganecha Gil. Sound space design: Arnau Grande. Communication: Marta Fernández. Executive production: Joan Solé, Gemma Ros. Photography: May Zircus.
