IT Emergents

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The Grec Festival of Barcelona continues to support the emerging talents produced by the city's Theatre Institute, coproducing two works by young artists.

Local creativity comes to the Grec thanks to a networking project promoted by the festival, in cooperation with Temporada Alta and FiraTàrrega, that brings emerging talent on the performing arts scene to Barcelona, Tàrrega and Girona. These productions will be staged under the generic title of "IT Emergents", a cycle launched 2014 as the successor of "Juliol a la Cuina" and "Juliol a l’Institut del Teatre," both regular features on the Grec programme in recent years.

IT Emergents
July 14 and 15 (La col·lecció) and July 17 and 18 (Sapucay)

La col·lecció
Harold Pinter / Ruta 40

This play by Harold Pinter, Nobel Laureate in Literature, explores the relationship between two couples engaged in the world of fashion design: Harry and Bill, and Stella and James. Learning about an earlier meeting at a hotel involving Bill and Stella, James determines to find out what really happened between them. Originally written for television in 1961, the play was first performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Aldwych Theatre, London, in 1962.

Juan Pablo Miranda / Chroma Teatre

No dreams are possible unless they are linked to the remains of what we once were. But what happens when memory does not nurture, but saddens? Sapucay is the brave cry of three sisters who subsist in a rural, practically mythological setting. A surreal fusion of American music and realist drama. A kind of aboriginal Dallas on the banks of the Paraná River. A play full of contrasts between “microgestures” and the animal explosion of an impressive theatricality generated by almost unbelievable intense performances from the cast.

Artistic card

Direcció: Albert Prat; Traducció: Víctor Muñoz i Calafell; Intèrprets: Alberto Diaz, Òscar Intente, Laura Pujolàs, Sergi Torrecilla; Espai escènic: Xesca Salvà; Il·luminació: Sergi Torrecilla; Espai sonor: Joan Solé; Vestuari: Nídia Tusal; Caracterització: Toni Santos; Ajudant de direcció: Ignasi Guasch; Producció executiva: Maria G. Rovelló; Fotografia: Roser Blanch; Coordinació general: Eduard Molner; Programació: Eduard Molner;

Creació i direcció: Juan Pablo Miranda; Ajudant de direcció: Melina Pereyra, Neus Suñé; Creació i interpretació: Constanza Aguirre, María García Vera, Melina Pereyra ; Disseny d'escenografia i vestuari: Adrià Pinar Marco, Víctor Peralta, Mireia Cardús ; Disseny d'il·luminació: Adrià Pinar Marco, Víctor Peralta, Mireia Cardús ; Vídeo: Bruno Zaffora (Waking Films); Fotografia: Irina Bravo ; Imatge: Irina Bravo ; Producció: Chroma Teatre; Coordinació general: Eduard Molner; Programació: Eduard Molner;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 pm
  • Space

    Institut del Teatre

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1. 08004 Barcelona

  • Price
    Admission free. Places limited