IT Emergents

  • Altres

New artists emerging from the classrooms of the Theatre Institute demonstrate their talent in two stage productions that highlight the Grec Festival's commitment to the most contemporary creation.

The shows presented under the general title ”IT Emergents” are the successors to the “Juliol a la Cuina” and “Juliol a l’Institut del Teatre” seasons, regulars on the Grec Festival of Barcelona programme in recent years.

This year, however, the festival has found new allies in its commitment to up-and-coming talent in the performing arts, as the Theatre Institute is joined by Temporada Alta and Fira Tàrrega. These partners will work together to open a window onto the Catalan theatre of tomorrow, and which will be presented, not only in Barcelona, but also in Tàrrega and Girona. In this way, new network of partners working towards the future is born.

Denise Duncan / Cia. La Pulpe Teatro
July 15 and 16
Four powerful and unscrupulous eccentrics hold a secret meeting in a mansion with a view to seizing control of the world. However, an ordinary citizen becomes lost in the woods and discovers their organization, known as C.O.C.A. Though she has never heard of C.O.C.A., it decides her life entirely, down to the price of milk to which fashionable disco she will frequent on Fridays.

La supervivència de les lluernes
LAminimAL Teatre Sistèmic
July 18 and 19
Past and present are fused in a revision of events described in the daily press. Based on texts by Juan Mayorga and José Sanchis Sinisterra, we ask when is the right moment to act, what are the limits and how our mechanisms for survival work.


Artistic card

Coordinació general: Eduard Molner;

Autoria: Denise Duncan; Direcció: Denise Duncan; Intèrprets: Mercè Boher, Catalina Calvo, Salvador Miralles, Marta Santandreu; Col·laboració artística: Meritxell Calvo; Escenografia i vestuari: Víctor Peralta; Ajudant de direcció: Meritxell Calvo; Producció: La Pulpe Teatro; Il·lustració: Victor Peralta, Salvador Miralles; Producció audiovisual: Joan Garau; Coreografia: Mónica Margarito;

Autoria: a partir de textos de José Sanchis Sinisterra, Juan Mayorga i Carla Rovira; Dramatúrgia i direcció: Daniela de Vecchi; Intèrprets: Eloi Benet, Anna Berenguer, Cris Codina, Esperança Crespí, Toni Figuera, Xantal Gabarró, Andrea Hernández, Joan Martínez, Xesco Pintó, Carla Rovira ; Participació especial: DJ Leumas; Ajudant de direcció: Marina Rojo, Marina Rojo; Il·luminació: Ignasi Bosch; Escenografia: Joan Fortuny; Espai sonor: Daniela De Vecchi; Vestuari: Marianne Benny Perron; Coordinació del projecte: Carla Rovira; Cap de producció: Marina Rojo; Cap tècnic: Ignasi Bosch; Producció: Lidia Lobo, Neus Molina ;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 pm (July 15 and 16) and 9.30 pm (July 18 and 19)
  • Space

    Institut del Teatre

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1. 08004 Barcelona

  • Price
    Admission free. Limited places.