Instruccions per fer-se feixista [Instructions for becoming a fascist]

  • Teatre

Michela Murgia / Dir.: Miquel Gorriz

A project born out of immediacy, this work is an almost defensive reaction by its creators to the increased parliamentary representation of the extreme right in the most recent Spanish and Catalan elections.

Michela Murgia's essay, on which this show is based, is a provocative, ironic text on the dangerous spread of populism in our societies and the latest reincarnation of far-right movements. Actress Mercè Aránega makes the thoughts and denunciation of this Italian writer and activist - who has a powerful public presence in her country - her own, stepping into her shoes to become the protagonist of a monologue that denounces the current wave of fascism rising throughout Europe and the rest of the world. A text that rocks the foundations of our democratic system, adapted by Sergi Pompermayer and directed by Miquel Gorriz.

The theatrical text version of this essay is performed by an exceptional actress, Mercè Aránega, who has performed at the Grec on several occasions, one of which, the 2015 production, Neus Català. Un cel de plom, was a spectacular success. The director is Miquel Gorriz, who we saw at the Grec 2012 with Molly Sweeney, but who has also directed productions such as Art, El metge de Lampedusa, Shirley Valentine and Transbord, among others.

A co-production of Mola Produccions, Festival Temporada Alta and Grec 2023 Barcelona Festival.

With the support of ICEC - Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals (Generalitat de Catalunya, Department of Culture), Barcelona City Council and INAEM.

National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (Government of Spain, Ministry of Culture and Sport). 

With the collaboration of l'Estruch - City Council of Sabadell.

This show has been financed by European Union Next Generation Funds, Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (Government of Spain), Next Generation Catalunya (Generalitat de Catalunya).

Barcelona Crea grant.

Accessible performance with audio description, surtitling and magnetic loop on 29 July, at 8.00 p.m.

Artistic card

Author: Michela Murgia. Translation: Mercè Ubach. Adaptation and playwriting: Sergi Pompermayer. Concept and direction: Miquel Gorriz. Performance: Mercè Arànega. Space designer: Yaiza Ares. Costume designer: Hernán Montiel. Lighting design: Jordi Fusté. Characterisation: Núria Llunell. Executive producer: Anna Rius. Assistant director: Pablo Macho Otero. Staging: Rita Molina, Pablo Macho. Technical manager of the theatre: Iker Gabaldón. Marketing and communication: La Villarroel. Photography: David Ruano. Video: Miquel Santiveri. Graphic design: Nexe disseny gràfic. Graphic applications: Santi&Kco.


  • Schedule
    12 July to 13 August, Tuesday to Friday at 8 pm; Saturday at 5:30 pm and 8 pm; Sunday at 6.00 pm
  • Space

    La Villarroel

    Carrer de Villarroel, 87, 08011 Barcelona, Espanya