Twelve characters show us, through a series of crossed stories set to the beat of Ottoman music, life in a city that acts as a hinge between continents and cultures.
The production stages the work of YeYim -zsoy, a Turkish actress, director and playwright who is the founder and artistic director of Galata Perform in Istanbul. Based on the meddahlik, a form of Turkish dramatic art that was performed by a single actor and taking as its structure a rhythm of Ottoman classical music, the aksak, the production shows a mosaic of characters that tell us about themselves, the place where they live and what this entails. This place is Istanbul, a city where different ways of understanding politics, religion, tradition, love, patriotism and life in general are mixed and confront one another. Today more than ever it is a city where millions of longings in transit are grouped together, many of which, like those of our characters, are held back for various reasons. A city that is crucial for opening or closing the doors to Europe both for those entering and those leaving. Istanbul thus becomes a territory in a state of flux within a country in a permanent state of agitation. An agitation and a sensibility that is reflected and clearly seen through the testimonies of these twelve characters. The sound is by the Grup de Música Nuu, devoted to giving all the music in the show an electronic, personal air, both the traditional and the more contemporary.
Autoria: YeYim -zsoy; Dramatúrgia i traducció: Carles Batlle; Suport a la traducció: Yildiray Ileri; Direcció: Joan Arqué Solà; Interpretació: Mercè Arànega, Jordi Martínez, Carles Gilabert, Magda Puig, Francesc Ferrer, Elena Fortuny; Composició musical i disseny de so: Nuu (Guillem Llotje, Aida Oset); Escenografia: Adrià Pinar; Vestuari: Rosa Lugo; Disseny de la il€luminació: Adrià Pinar; Disseny del so / Concepció sonora: Nuu; Ajudantia de direcció: Andreu Martínez; Direcció tècnica: David Pascual; Producció: Carles Manrique-Velvet Events; Fotografies i disseny gràfic: Clara Pousa; Distribució: Elena Blanco-Magnetica Management;