Habemus Corpus / Miquel G. Font

  • Dansa


A young creator from Barcelona with an international reputation has created a choreography whose theme is based on a true story that speaks to us of death or, rather, what there is between death and what comes next.

Maybe it is the end, maybe a new beginning ... Nobody knows for sure what death is, not even the characters that – in this piece choreographed by Michael G. Font, with music by him as well – have already confronted the end of life and are now waiting at an intermediate stage. Dressed in a second skin on which only personal marks can be distinguished, these characters will dance while they choose between returning whence they came or continuing on towards an uncertain future. Everything takes place in a stage setting with an impeccable look, in which different visual layers are combined with projections and one-off effects that eventually draw the spectators into this world. Eight dancers perform the function, whose soundtrack features electroacoustic music and compositions for a six-part choir.

A creation of the same mind, the show’s music and movement go together perfectly, recreating a magical atmosphere. Their eyes and ears will lead spectators into a world where time and space are manipulated to transport them to a new reality. Based on a true story and the product of a detailed study, AIRE is the latest creation by a company led by Miquel G. Font, who has danced in companies as prestigious as Béjart Ballet Lausanne (Switzerland), the Dominic Walsh Dance Theater (USA), Lanònima Imperial (Barcelona) and the Tanzcompagnie Oldenburg (Germany), and has choreographed and composed for the Internationale Tanztheater Hannover festival (Germany), the Staatstheater Mainz (Germany), the Theater Basel (Switzerland) and the Miami City Ballet (USA).

Artistic card

Idea original i direcció: Miquel G. Font; Dramatúrgia: Marc Chornet ; Coreografia i composició musical: Miquel G. Font; Interpretació: Georgina Avilés Sarrias, Emmanel Dobby, Maya Gómez, Justyna Kalbarczyk, Jori Kerremans, Nimrod Poles, Tiemen Stemerding, Laia Vancells Pi, Jaume Madaula; Direcció musical: Miquel G. Font, Jordi Lluch; Interpretació musical: Cor Ciutat de Mataró; Veus solistes: Elisenda Ardèvol, Flàvia Camacho, Albert Baena, Daniel Cardenal, Albert Cabero; Assistència a la coreografia: Emmanuel Dobby; Escenografia: Habemus Corpus; Vestuari: Institut Europeu de Disseny; Confecció del vestuari: Rosario Macías; Disseny de la il·luminació: Pol Queralt, Miquel G. Font; Disseny del vídeo: Eloi Tomàs; Direcció de fotografia: Efthymia Zymvragaki; Disseny gràfic: Gabriela Pineda; Maquillatge: Montse Tolosa; Ajudantia de direcció: Toni Guillemat; Producció: Maria G. Rovelló; Col·laboració artística: Lorena Nogal, Sebastien Mari, Daphne van Dooren;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 p.m.
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    70 min
  • Price
    18 €