
  • Dansa

Bruno Beltrão / Companyia Grupo da Rua

The art of Bruno Beltrão, a leading figure in Brazilian dance today, has its roots in the most irreverent, popular street hip hop. And it is precisely his re-interpretation and reflections on these professional beginnings through contemporary dance that have enabled Beltrão to create his best-known work, one that has been acclaimed all over the world. Beltrão breathes vibrant life into every movement in H3, his sixth production, imbuing the show with his unique choreographic language as, accompanied by street noises, his dancers create astonishing movements together on the darkened stage. In short, H3 is a wondrous, magical, exciting expedition into unknown territory.

Artistic card

Música: Lucas Marcier i Rodrigo Marçal, ARPX; Direcció: Bruno Beltrão; Intèrprets: Bruno Duarte, Bruno Williams, Danilo d'Alma, Eduardo Hermanson, Filipi Morais, Kleberson Gonçalves, Kristiano Gonçalves, Luis CarlosGadelha, Thiago Almeida; Dramatúrgia: Rodrigo Bernardi; Escenografia: Gualter Pupo; Vestuari: Marcelo Sommer; Il·luminació: Renato Machado; Producció: Gabriela Weeks; Ajudant d'il·luminació: Pierre Willems; Ajudant de direcció: Ugo Alexandre Neves; Fotografia: Scumeck; Producció executiva: Mariana Beltrão;


Rodrigo Bernardi


  • Start date
  • End date
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  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona