
  • Teatre

de Pau Miró

Is it possible to talk about family ties yet end the work on an optimistic note? Pau Miró achieves just that in Girafes, the third part of his trilogy about that oldest of relationships: the family. Whilst Búfals (premiered to considerable acclaim at last year’s Temporada Alta Festival in Girona) was an urban tale and Lleons (performed recently at the National Theatre of Catalonia) an absorbing drama, in Girafes Pau Miró manages to find the optimism the family needs in order to face the future, represented here in the form of descendants. “The theatre needs to reject catastrophe and serve as a counterpoint to reality”, says Miró. Like the great African savannah, the vast, arid landscape created by family relationships is populated by autochthonous wildlife, created and directed by the author’s able, knowing hand.

Artistic card

Moviment: Mercè Boronat; Autoria i direcció: Pau Miró; Composició musical: Oriol Miró; Intèrprets: Anna Alarcón, Albert Ausellé, Carles Flavià, Òscar Muñoz, Bernat Cot; Disseny de llums: Luis Martí; Disseny de so: Lucas Ariel Vallejos; Espai i vestuari: Pi Piquer; Producció executiva: Helena Font; Ajudant de direcció: Isaac Alcayde; Vídeo: Alfonso Ferri; Maquillatge: Susi Leon; Confecció del vestuari: Rocío Pastor; Alumne en pràctiques: Marie S. Zwinzscher; Disseny gràfic i fotografia: Albert Villaplana;


Pau Miró


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    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Language