
  • Teatre

Albert Arribas (based on Albert Balasch's Quadern del frau)

The 2015 Quim Masó Prize for Theatre Projects brings Albert Balasch's Quadern del frau to the stage with a seven-hour production in which director Albert Arribas explores the violence -often extreme- that affects this singular literary world.

The artistic suicide of a poet just forty-five years old? A radical way of claiming the limelight without using conventional promotional means? An example of radical commitment to writing? These are some of the questions posed by Quadern del frau, the result of five years’ work in which Albert Balasch rewrote and reorganised all his published works. F.R.A.U., a seven-hour work, is the stage adaptation of Quadern del frau, which ranges from happening to tragedy in verse and from visual art to post-dramatic rhapsody. In short, a multidisciplinary show in which the director, Albert Arribas, explores the poet’s contradictions, at once rewriting and reorganising some of his own earlier productions, most notably Sala de miralls, a play that pays false tribute to Feliu Formosa and was presented at the TNC (national theatre of Catalonia) in 2014. Albert Balasch’s literary life has been marked by a constant feeling of “incapacity” and a rejection of the playful, festive dynamics of promotion that, it seemed, art had to be subjected in order to find a place in an ever-more commercialised society, more and more capable of turning citizens into consumers. Adapting Quadern del frau for the stage was, perhaps, an appropriate way of reflecting on the festival of banalities that this twenty-first century has spawned under the name of “cultural policies”.


Artistic card

Direcció: Albert Arribas; Autoria: Albert Arribas (a partir del "Quadern del frau", d'Albert Balasch); Direcció de €~La gran mentira': Ferran Dordal i Lalueza; Interpretació: Mònica Almirall, Jordi Collet, Oriol Genís, Antònia Jaume, Marta Ossó i Albert Prat. Amb la participació especial d'Octavi Rofes i Anna Maria Iglesia; Escenografia i vestuari: Sílvia Delagneau; Disseny d'il·luminació: Mingo Albir; Espai sonor: Lucas Ariel Vallejos; Vídeo: Jordi Soler; Ajudant de direcció: Javi J. Moyano; Producció executiva: Maria G. Rovelló; Fotografia: Anna Queralt; Comunicació: Anna Serrano;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    17 h
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    7 h
  • Price