
  • Teatre

(Contes de fades)

What is the real story of Cinderella or Little Red Ridinghood? What form do these stories take when they are told in the 21st century? Who are the characters now? Where does the action take place in our day? These popular folk tales provide the starting-point for a show that sets out to reveal the ideology and real meaning behind the stories we were told as children. Songs, narrative and movement in a show directed by Carme Portaceli, writer and artistic director with Factoria Escènica Internacional.

Artistic card

Música: Jordi Soto, Jordi Prats; Direcció: Carme Portaceli; Moviment: Marta Carrasco; Intèrpret: David Bages, Lluïsa Castell, Gabriela Flores, Llorenç González, Carlota Olcina, Albert Pérez; Dramatúrgia: Carme Portaceli, Toni Martín; Músic: Jordi Prats, Dani Nel·lo; Espai escènic i il·luminació: Paco Azorín; Vestuari: Mariel Soria; Fotografia: David Ruano;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Nau Ivanow

    Carrer Hondures, 28, 08027 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Language